Sector: Education + Leadership

Education Transforms Nations

Our approach to education projects introduces a rigorous process to assess institutional strengths, identify gaps and propose a roadmap towards operational excellence as the underlying methodology. This approach, known at home as Transform NC, was designed in response to an institution-wide need to enhance the program and services delivery model across our Canadian operations.

For our global partners, we deploy the Transform NC approach across all of our education projects, collaborating with partners in the Americas, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Middle East to help them achieve operational excellence and act as a driver for social and economic transformation.

We provide comprehensive education services that transform campus and learner experiences.  

Our expertise in the Education sector includes:

  • Accessible Facilities Design
  • Finance + Resource Mobilization
  • Certification + Accreditation
  • Qualifications Framework Design
  • Curriculum + Program Development
  • Gender + Social Inclusion
  • Environmental + Social Governance
  • Talent Acquisition + Development
  • Global Campus Operations
  • Global Campus Establishment


Building Vietnamese Student-Centered Leadership

Case Study from Vietnam

Advanced management training based on Ontario model puts college leadership in Vietnam in touch with student and business needs.

Education Fit For A Kingdom

Case Study from Kingdom of Saudia Arabia

Niagara College Global Education and Training

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Global Education and Training