Project Preview: Developing the ‘Entry Points for Tourism Work’ program

  • Country Peru
  • Sector Hospitality + Tourism
More than half of Peru’s 27 million people live in poverty. Arequipa, Peru’s second largest city, suffers high unemployment. Poor and marginalized citizens lack skills to benefit from growth in emerging sectors, including tourism.

The Entry Points for Tourism Work program, a partnership between Niagara College and the Instituto Superior Tecnologico del Sur (ISUR) in Arequipa, has helped change that.

This collaboration enabled ISUR to provide industry-driven, experiential tourism training to marginalized groups. Networking opportunities, such as job fairs, helped students access tourism work. And a business development centre was established to provide ongoing support to small and medium enterprises and startups through training, technological support and consultancy services.

We kept course costs low to ensure accessibility to those who would benefit most. ISUR could generate additional revenue by customizing training programs for local tourism organizations. We also structured classes to not interfere with students’ family and household obligations, making attendance even stronger.


Niagara College Global Education and Training